Satguru hai rangraez radha soami shabad
Satguru hai rangraez radha soami shabad

satguru hai rangraez radha soami shabad

Surat Shabd Yoga arose in India in the last several hundred years, specifically in the Sikh tradition ( Nanakpanthi) founded by Guru Nanak. According to Scripture, the Word of God has existed since the beginning of the world, prior to any man-made language. It judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart." Words which we write on paper are not alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. In the new testament "Hebrews 4:12" states, " For the Word of God is living and active. On the other hand, Naam or Word of God or Kalma is unspeakable, alive and no one can write it on paper. As the language varies from culture to culture, Guru Manter or Mantra may also vary from culture to culture in spirituality. These are some verbal words that one gets from living masters and chants in mind, not with the mouth. The sadhanas include simran (repetition, particularly silent repetition of a mantra given at initiation), dhyan (concentration, viewing, or contemplation, particularly on the Inner Master), and bhajan (listening to the inner sounds of the Shabd). Initiation by a contemporary living Satguru (Sat - true, Guru - teacher) is considered a prerequisite for successful sadhana (spiritual exercises). Attaining this extent of self-realization is believed to result in jivan moksha/mukti, which is liberation/release from samsara and positivity in the cycle of karma and reincarnation. This involves reuniting in stages with what is called the "Essence of the Absolute Supreme Being", also known as the "Shabd or Word". Surat Shabda Yoga is for the discovery of True Self ( Self-Realization), True Essence ( Spirit-Realization), and True Divinity ( God-Realization) while living in the human physical body. Surat Shabda Yoga is also known as Sehaj Yoga – the path leading to Sehaj or equipoise, The Path of Light and Sound, The Path of the Sants or 'Saints', The Journey of Soul, and The Yoga of the Sound Current. Etymologically, Surat Shabd Yoga means the ‘Union of the Soul with the Essence of the Absolute Supreme Being’. These vibrations continue and are sent forth through the ages, framing all things that constitute and inhabit the universe. The Absolute Supreme Being is a dynamic force of creative energy sent out into the abyss of space at the dawn of the universe's manifestation, as sound vibrations. Surat is "attention" or "face", that is, an outward expression of the soul Shabd or Shabda has multiple meanings including ‘sacred song’, ‘word’, ‘voice’, ‘hymn’, ‘verse’, or ‘sound current, ‘audible life stream’, and the ‘essence of the Absolute Supreme Being’.

Satguru hai rangraez radha soami shabad